Tuesday, February 20, 2007

day 90

i've started this blog to chronicle my last days at an old school New York ad agency. It's a bloviated, talent free zone of inexplicably large egos, client billing abuse and general ridiculousness.

over the next 90 days, i'm going to try and generate a new post every day, detailing the amazingness i come into contact with, as i prepare to move onto greener and hopefully more creativly satisfying pastures.

is it neccessary to have a reason for this blog? i don't know. the internets seem to be a place where i get to do something just because i want to. and right now i feel like i am the only one who hasn't drunk the coolade. and if that's not an environment ripe for cynical humour, i don't know what is.

so what happens if you don't work in an ad agency, but would like to understand my blog and enjoy the silliness?

well, you thousands of lucky instant readers, tomorrow i'll be creating a guide detailing how an agency works, the players involved and basic truths of agency life.

see you tomorrow

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